The Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks so much to The Recurrently Hopeful for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! She and I have both had recurrent miscarriages with “normal” test results from our specialists. I know can always relate to her posts and I think she feels the same. It is nice to read other’s blogs and think, “Ah, yes, I know exactly what they mean. I’m glad I’m not alone.”


Once nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, the rules are:

  • Post the award on your blog
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 blogs
  • List the nominees and let them know

So here are 7 things about me:

1. I LOVE pugs. We have two of our own that we adore, Baxter and Colby. Anytime we see a pug out in public, we have to pet it. The furthest we’ve gone to make this happen was one night in Rome when we saw an older Italian man walking a pug late one night. We caught up with him, asking to pet his pug. He didn’t speak English and we didn’t speak Italian, so my husband pulled out his phone with pictures of our pugs to let the man know why we loved his pug so much. He smiled immediately and allowed us to love on his pug- language is no barrier for pug lovers!

2. I LOVE to run. I’m not a hard-core runner, but I’m one of the few I know who actually looks forward to a run. I take my time and don’t run too far, as 2-3 miles is perfect for me. My favorite distance race is a 10k. I even enjoy running in a misty spring or summer rain (not a torrential downpour).

3. I’m a vegetarian and have been for almost 18 years. I eat eggs and dairy products. My husband isn’t a vegetarian, but happily eats all my meat-free dishes. I joined a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) at a local market a few years ago in hopes of becoming more adventurous in my veggie selections. I’ve been introduced to many new vegetables (celery root, parsnips), and even learned how to prepare some I didn’t care for before in ways I enjoy (beets, cabbage). This helps keep our menus fresh!

4. Speaking of dairy products, I love cheese. Fresh mozzarella is probably my all time favorite, followed by Gouda, sharp white cheddar, brie, and the list keeps going and going.

5. Every year my husband and I camp for our anniversary. Some years we choose the beach, other years the mountains. We love camping, but life gets busy and we don’t do it as often as we would like. No matter what, we know this is the one weekend we will camp each year and look forward to it!

6. The world fascinates me and I love to travel. I always want to see new places and enjoy the local cultures. That being said, a 10-day trip is about my max. I love coming home and settling back into our routine.

7. If I pass you on a sidewalk, I’ll smile at you. I have a tendency to smile at everyone I see. During my first week of undergrad, I remember walking around thinking how nice it was that everyone smiled at each other. That’s the first of many reasons I fell in love with Radford!

There are a few blogs I follow and adore which have been recently nominated and I don’t want to re-nominate. So if you aren’t listed on here, that’s why. Here are my I nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award:


Life Without CK

Recurrent Miscarriage Support

The Hearty Life

Sweeping Up the Broken Pieces

Tailored and True

Drops Like Stars

Empty Arms, Full Hearts

Tilting Up

First Comes Love

Someday Maybe Never

Mother on a Mission

Inspired Counselling

Wishing for Positive

Diary of a Hopeful Woman

My Perfect Breakdown– I had to add a 16th because this is one of my favorite blogs and somehow I crossed it off my list without it being in my post. Love, love, love this one.

5 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Lovely post. Now except for the ‘loving to run’ part I reckon I could see a little piece of me in each of those points about you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s always nice to read more about online friends since this is our form of communication/friendship. 🙂 I also love that you have an anniversary tradition and camping seems to be the perfect getaway for a couple. Thank you for the list, I will definitely head over and read some. Most of all, thank you for nominating me! This world of blogging is so different to what I imagined. It has brought me across words like yours that remind me theres many of us out there filled with hope. I’ll always be glad to have found yours. (Thank you for the nomination, I’ll be working on my post next week 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

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